Thursday, January 29, 2009

Vegas Vacation

So we just got back from a spontaneous trip to Vegas, baby! Yep, we booked it Friday night and left at the butt-crack of dawn Sunday morning ;) We stayed at the Venetian where we were greeted with shifty looks that said "You are staying here?" I guess we don't look like we can afford it.. which we can't really, we just got a super good deal - they almost paid us to go! Can we talk about our room for a second? It was bigger than my last APARTMENT. Not even kidding. We had 3 tvs, a living room area, bed area, and the biggest hotel bathroom we've ever had. We almost didn't want to leave the room we were so excited! Almost.

Once we figure out how to add more than 1 picture at a time, we will do just that! We had lots of fun gambling and eating and gambling and shopping and eating and gambling! We actually wound up ahead and came back with more than we left with! Bryan has a super secret new gambling strategy that he is really proud of, but if we told you, we'd have to kill you. And who knew they had Hawaiian coffee in Vegas? Since it's our FAVOURITE (yeah, I spelled it the British way, what?) kind, we bought 5 bags :) What, we don't have an addiction *twitches*.

And in other news, Bryan is taking his certification test to teach high school speech on Saturday! Hooray for him! Once he passes this test and finishes this semester he will be able to teach full time in the Fall! How EXCITING!!

Also, our friend Andy, who is my best friend Brit's fiance, is starting boot camp for the army on Monday, so send thoughts and prayers his way. Annnnd my brother Andrew is in the Navy at Guantanamo Bay and his wife, Rachel, is pregnant and we get to find out the gender on February 11th! Yay!

Lots of super fun news, thanks for reading!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Brand New BLOG!

Hello friends and family! We are hoping to keep this blog updated pretty well with fun posts and events :) As everyone reading this probably knows... we got married last August and just spent our first "married" Christmas together! We have a Pomeranian named Bear, although Bryan insists that he is my dog - but once you are married, what's "mine" becomes "ours", right? ;) He is definitely the cutest dog in the world and I dare anyone to try to prove me wrong once you meet him.

Bryan is currently substitute teaching and working toward his teaching certification to teach Speech at the high school level, and I am working for my dad who is doing laser therapy for pain - check out our website (that I TOTALLY made).

Bryan has begun a movie review blog as well, and there's a link on the right side of this page if you'd like to view it. I also have a website for my art, which is on the right side of this page as well.

Thanks for visiting, and check back every now and then for new posts! I think there's a way to send an e-mail to you when we post a new entry, but I'll have to check on that. Let us know if you'd like to be included in the e-mail (once I figure out how to do it)!
