Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Beginning of The Beginning

WOW it's been a busy week! Bryan started teaching and is getting into the swing of things. The teacher that he's student teaching for is going to retire after this year, so maybe if he does a good job he can be his replacement...! We've started slowly moving boxes into the house, but we wanted to try and paint/ fix some things before we officially move on Saturday. We don't know where anything is at this point. So crazy! A HUGE thank you to Bryan's parents, Kim and David, for a refurbished lawnmower and to his grandparents, GG and Troy, for a weed eater! I forgot to take a picture of the front of the house, but here are some before and afters on the inside:

Kitchen Before:
What's with the dark blue accent wall?

Kitchen After:
Minus all the clutter on the counter of course.
Living Room Before:
Brit actually came with the house, but don't worry we had her removed. :)
Living Room After:
You can't see it in the picture, but even the gray brick fireplace doesn't look so bad now.

Bryan and his dad worked really hard putting in the wood floors for the past 2 days! Thanks David! I was in charge of painting, and I have so much more to do! Good thing I love painting! We're moving on Saturday, so once we get settled we'll have an omg-we-just-bought-a-house-come-over-and-see-it party!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


We closed! We signed all the papers and gave all our money and we're DONE! Well, done with that. What a long process. Now we have to paint, clean, mow, etc. Hooray! I'll post pictures of our progress as we make it.

Another cool story, we saw Paul McCartney last night at the new Cowboys stadium! What a ridiculously cool show. Not to mention the stadium. Now I even want to go to a Cowboys game, and if you know me at all you know that's totally out of character! How old is Paul now? 60something? And he can still rock. it. out. Awesome!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait

As it turns out, everyone is trying to get this house deal closed - so it's not as bad as we feared! We have a good chance of getting into it now. The liens have been cleared from the title, so all we need to wait for is "short sale approval" from their lender, which I still don't have a complete understanding of. I think it means that the lender needs to approve a sale that is less than what they owe, but I'm not positive. Still good news though! (I think...)

In other news, Bryan is starting his student teaching this Fall on August 24 in Denton ISD. Exciting!

Also, we've got a washer and dryer now (thanks Melanie!), so does anyone have a black refrigerator they are willing to sell us?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Closing Date, Schmosing Date

Well, August 6, 2009 has arrived and we are NOT the proud owners of a new home. As it turns out, the sellers had too many liens on the house and were about to go into foreclosure - but they didn't tell their realtor. Obviously they thought that maybe if no one knew about their debt, then it would just go away! They told us they would try to work something out so we could still close on the house, but needless to say it didn't happen.

The reasons we are in a bind now are threefold:
ONE - We have to be out of our apartment by August 31 because we had to give our notice.
TWO - We don't have enough time to close on another house at this point and still be out of our apartment on time.
THREE - We are out $320 for the home inspection, and $440 for the appraisal. That's money we don't get back. Not now, not ever. There has been some debate as to whether the realtor is liable for this since it's his client that was dishonest. I'm still not entirely sure, but I do know that $760 is a lot of money to just throw away.

So we begin the house hunt again. LUCKILY, we live in a rockin' apartment complex (The Remington) and they are able to extend our lease for 1 month, even though they've already leased our apartment to someone else starting in October. So we have an extra month to find something, which is a little less bad.

God has a plan!

P.S. Does anyone have a washer and dryer they are looking to sell? Our leasing company is coming to pick ours up on Monday because we thought we were moving. Awesome.