Sunday, March 14, 2010

Oprah Kona Mia

It sounds sort of like onomatopoeia, right? We're still deciding on her name. First it was "Oprah", then we decided she doesn't look like an "Oprah", so we moved on to "Kona", but we were still thinking. Then we decided on "Mia" (get it? like "Mia Pug"), and we were set on "Mia", but now we're back to "Kona". She's Bryan's baby, so he gets the final say in naming her.I am perfectly content with my toy.
I want this toy! No, I want THIS toy! NO, I want THIS TOY!
At the time of the video, we had decided on "Oprah".

Just to be clear, we haven't forgotten about Bear. And to prove it, here is one of my favorite pictures of him OF ALL TIME.
He's still getting used to Oprah Kona Mia... maybe when she calms down they can be friends. For now, Bear likes to keep his distance.

UPDATE - Bryan says that her name is Kona, FINAL ANSWER! So there you have it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ya Heard?

Wow, I didn't realize how much time had passed since my last post! To fill in the gap: Bryan finished student teaching, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Bryan started to record his first cd (unless you count his high school band's cd, which I don't), Troy passed away rest his soul, Bryan got a part time job at World Market selling mass made authentic looking things, Bryan and I built a kick ass fort in our living room (what are we, 10?), I started to bake and sell decorated cookies at work, Happy Valentine's Day, Bryan got another part time job substitute teaching, we won $2 on Albertson's Monopoly (but we're holding out for $50,000), and that brings us to today!

Today is a big day in my dad's life. Let it be known that on March 10, 2010 at 9:00am, Rudy got hearing aids. Praise Jesus!

This is dad without hearing aids - being left out of jokes, people whispering behind his back, having to have things repeated over and over and over:
And this is dad with his new hearing aids - the life of every party! Plus, you can't even tell they're there - bonus!
What a momentous occasion! :)

Now we've got Brianna's (Bryan's sister) and Brit's (my bestie) weddings to look forward to!