Last fall I painted 4 new murals:
Tree House! It's an under-the-stairs crawl space converted into a kids play area. Love it!
Flowers! This isn't as much of a mural as it is accents painted around the room.
I am currently working on a new website,, so stay tuned for more pics of all the murals I've done - maybe one day I can be a successful artist!
Last fall Bryan went to Nashua/Boston to visit his best friend, Daniel, who moved up there a couple of years ago.
He was really excited to see all the different colors of leaves. There aren't any pictures of him and Daniel together because "men don't do that".
And then it was Christmas!
Bryan Claus
Christmas plywood character cut-out overload! But since Wall-E and Up are in my top five favorite movies, I forgive them. Because I know they care about my forgiveness and approval.
I would also like to thank all of my friends and family who ordered holiday cookies from me last Christmas! I was cookie-making in almost all of my spare time, but it was totally worth it and you guys are awesome.
After Christmas we had snowpocalypse 2011. Four days straight of not driving anywhere because Texans just don't know what to do when it snows/ices. I'm not making fun, I'm one of them. You actually may remember this from the news, it was Superbowl weekend.
This car is actually parked in the road (note the mailbox). I'm assuming that they couldn't get enough traction to get up the small curb to get in the driveway.
The ice - at least 3" thick here- hiding secretly under the 8" of snow.
Our backyard on the 3rd or 4th day after we were done playing. We are adults without children...what?
So that was all fun and games until...
My office flooded...
From the ceiling. Twas a burst pipe due to the cold weather I'm told. This took 100% of my time and energy to deal with, so I suppose this could be a contributing factor to the lack of blog updating.
Oh, that and I'm pregnant. They aren't lying when they say it's exhausting!
This was taken about 2 months ago. I'm a lot bigger now - just in time for Texas Summer! I've already lost count of the number of days it's gotten over 100 degrees, thank goodness for air conditioning!
When we found out I was pregnant we booked a baby-cation/baby-moon trip of awesomeness as one last big trip for just the two of us. We went on a Southern Caribbean cruise that left out of San Juan, PR. It was the best! Lemme tell you, a cruise is the BEST value vacation to go on when you're pregnant - ALL you can eat, ALL the time! Here are a few highlights, we took a zillion pictures but I won't bore you with all of 'em.
We are happily riding the bus in Barbados!
Big ol' belly.
It seems like everywhere we went the beer was buy one get one free, so Bryan lucked out and got to have both :)
We would highly recommend this cruise to anyone! It was the Carnival Victory out of San Juan visiting St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, and St. Lucia. The only thing I would say is don't bother with Puerto Rico. We stayed an extra couple of nights in San Juan after our cruise and it was disappointing. Or, if you're really interested in San Juan, go a day early and do it at the beginning of the trip, that way you end on the high note of the cruise.
I also just got back from visiting my bestie in Kansas. That was super fun, but we don't have any pictures because "women don't do that" either, apparently. She painted my toenails, which was nice because I can't reach them in my current state. I got a tour of Ft. Riley and went to my very first Commissary and PX! It was a fun, relaxing trip.
So that brings us up to now-ish. I'm due September 17 and it's a boy! Mylo Robert Hoskins is the name we've settled on and we're both super excited!
Bryan is currently looking for a full time teaching job (as opposed to the substitute teaching he's been doing) and he's had a couple of interviews so far, so wish him luck! It's a tough time for teachers here in Texas, but there are a handful of positions open and I just KNOW one of them is for Bryan!
Thanks for reading, I'll be more consistent about updating now. Promise.