Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pink Goose

So.. since the last post I have had surgery and recovered well. I feel like the week after my surgery was just a big blur because of the pain medication I was on. BUT my foot is healing and I got a hot pink cast today! Just a few more weeks on crutches...then a boot...then a lace up brace...then freedom!

Bryan got a call yesterday from Blue Goose, which turned into an interview, which turned into him having a job there! He trains all weekend then will be on the schedule officially next week! So go to Blue Goose in Highland Village and tip him well :) He deserves it. Plus I need a new pair of shoes... hahaha just kiddin :) He really does deserve it though.


  1. what exactly did you do to your foot to need surgering?

  2. hey, if u have any work 4 me 2 do call me, plz. I need to raise money for my lose of the retainer :D thanks.
