Saturday, August 6, 2011

NOW it's fixed.

I was wrong before. About the a/c being fixed. As it turns out, when you are woken up by the sound of someone weed-eating outside at 5am, you should maybe consider that it's not, in fact, a weed eater that you hear. You should maybe consider the options and perhaps investigate the strange noise. I didn't go that route, I chose instead to go back to sleep. It was when Bryan woke up 2 hours later that he discovered the sound was coming from our a/c unit...whoops! And that's the story of how we woke up to a super hot house because the a/c is officially broken now. 

Well, not "now" anymore thanks to our fantastic family! I love having a big family because someone always "knows a guy". Bryan's grandpa spread the word last night when Bryan called about pointers for increasing a/c efficiency, and good timing too since the a/c promptly went out as soon as we thought we fixed it. Aunt Sheri knew a guy and he was able to be out here today for minimal super-hot-house-time. It turns out the capacitor (flux capacitor?) went out and that means the fan wasn't moving, which means it's broken. But now it's fixed and cooling nicely!

We really appreciate all the effort and everyone who cares about us so much to make our a/c a priority on a Saturday :) 

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