Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bear-Cut Round 2

Since we have a baby on the way (omg 2 months!), we have been looking for ways to save money lately because, as it turns out, babies are quite the money pit. One of those ways is to avoid the $60 professional groom for Bear. You may remember the last time we tried home-grooming, though...

This time I used scissors instead of an electric razor. He was a good boy, as per usual, and let me cut away as he just sat there in my lap. So without further ado:

He wouldn't come out from under our glider...I think he suspected it wouldn't end well if he did. Just look at all that hair though! Poor guy, that's no way to go through a Texas Summer.

Okay, so it's not the greatest job. He got fidgety when I got up to his face, so that's why it's all uneven. His fault.


My poor dog.

In actuality, he likes it. He is more energetic outside and doesn't get overheated as easily - a vast improvement from his last DIY haircut that resulted in him hiding under our bed and not eating for 2 days.

1 comment:

  1. is he scared of the clippers? i wonder why he was traumatized last time. can you just put a guard on the clippers and cut it down to a level 1 or 2? that's what i do to robert's hair! :) (cuz it's the same...)
