So we wanted to save some money on grooming for Bear, Bear-cuts if you will, so we purchased a pet hair trimmer from Walmart. I have a lot more respect for groomers now.
Whoops! We had the clippers on the "too short" setting. It's okay, we said (after laughing so hard we were crying at how ridiculous this looks), it will even out as we keep going. Rookie mistake. No big deal! It's a dog, right? Who cares. We move on. After trimming him all over, we decide that it's not that much of a difference, and that it should really be shorter since summer is upon us. Here's how that conversation went:
Bryan: Should we try to cut it shorter?
Meg: Probs. What are our options?
Bryan: I dunno, let's just go for it.
And so goes the story of why we wasted $34 on a pet hair trimmer because we're gonna have to have a professional fix it anyway, or at least get him a doggie wig to cover the uneven patches.
Moral of the story: Don't let your parents cut your hair.
awwwwww! poor bear...